The Bitdollars Token - BTCD
Bitdollars Tokenomics
Ticker: BTCD
Contract address: 0xEd11F2fBEae0E42b11fD784737E5186dEA4c43Df
Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
Supply: 100 Million
Fees: No Fees
Allocation: 10 million for initial liquidity
BTCD is a utility reward token that can be used to access a variety of services.
On the Binance blockchain, BTCD is a BNB coin. The ComplyChain Network includes an ecosystem that rewards and incentivizes users to engage in active platform participation. BTCD can be used on all ComplyChain platforms.
Our platform includes a governance and utility token that grants voting rights to its owners. On our platform, we will have ongoing token drops. For the drops, we'll make our tokens available to anyone who wants them.
BTCD is a functional utility token used as the medium of exchange between participants on the Bitdollars platform in a decentralized manner.
The goal of the BTCD token is to provide a convenient and secure means of payment and settlement between participants interacting within the ecosystem on the Bitdollars platform.
It's vital to remember that BTCD has no monetary or trading value. Members can still use BTCD tokens to pay for various things on the Bitdollars platform, and ownership of BTCD tokens confers no rights, express or implied, other than the ability to utilize the BTCD token to engage with and use The ComplyChain Network.
Earn BTCD from Staking, Pooling, win tokens in a lottery or buy it on an exchange. Utilize BTCD by:
Staking it in pools to earn free tokens
Using the tokens in yield farms to earn more BTCD
And there is much more on the horizon for Bitdollars, review our roadmap for more details.
Emission Rate:
Per Block: 10
Per Day: 288,000
In addition to the above, a dynamic amount of BTCD is also minted to the Dev address at a rate of 10%:
This means that if 100 BTCD are harvested, then 9.09 BTCD is minted in addition and sent to the Dev Address.
Once 60 million tokens have been minted, the emission rate will change to 5/block. At 85 million tokens, the emission rate will change for the final time to 1/block.
Last updated