Introduction to Bitdollars
Bitdollars is a secure decentralized cryptocurrency platform that enables users to make the most out of their crypto by simplifying trading and earning rewards, while being in full control of their funds.
BTCD is a versatile coin allowing users to trade, pool, earn and more.
Instantly swap crypto tokens. No registration or account needed.
Low Fees:
Bitdollars operates on Binance Smart Chain, a blockchain with much lower transaction costs than Bitcoin or Ethereum.
This allows us to have trading fees that are more competitive than other decentralized exchanges
Trade directly from your wallet app.
Unlike centralized exchanges like Binance or Coinbase, the Bitdollars platform does not hold user funds when users trade: The user has 100% ownership of their crypto.
Earn Bitdollars native token - BTCD
Earn BTCD and other tokens with high interest rates.
Earn tokens with BTCD Pools
Stake BTCD, earn free tokens.
BTCD holders are able to earn fee tokens from major projects.
New projects are joining nearly daily, so users can earn more
Earn BTCD with Yield Farms
Stake LP tokens, earn BTCD. Users would be taking on a little more exposure to market fluctuations than with the BTCD Pools, but can earn higher APR to offset the risk.
Earn Trading Fees
Even if the user's trading pair isn’t supported on the Farms page, they are still able to earn trading fees when they stake their tokens in Liquidity Pools (LPs).
Is Bitdollars a safe platform?
We’re built on open-source software: our site and all our Smart Contracts are publicly visible for maximum transparency.
The chefs use multisig for all contracts and our contracts’ time-lock provides peace of mind for users.
Last updated